Dante's Divine Comedy translated by Tony Kline
On cante four, my master and I heard a calling. We were far from it but it was gradually getting closer. I heard them call out and was confused by their wording.
"Who are these people I asked?"
"They are those honored in your lifetime. They have been granted a good graces because of their works. There is Homer, Horace, Ovid, and Lucan. They are the greats and you are among them" my master said to me.
I couldn't believe it. They looked at me as though I was one of them. I thought it couldn't be true. We stayed with them for the night. The looks of admiration never stopped. I didn't believe I should be among them.
We continued on our journey until we came across a castle surrounded 7 times. It was here I recognized many leaders. There was Caesar and Tarquin. I could not believe my eyes. I let my eyes wander. I gazed slightly higher and saw the great philosophers. There was Aristotle sitting high above the rest. He was their leader on Earth and is still in the afterlife.
This is a depiction of Cante IV by Victoria Olson
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