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Introduction to Me

 Hi! I am a junior at the University of Oklahoma. I am studying psychology with a health and exercise science minor. I love psychology because I think people are very interesting. I do not think people realize how similar they are to other people. I think studying psychology has helped me immensely learn how to work with and adapt to those around me both in personal relationships and in work relationships. Over my two years, I have taken some really interesting courses. I think my favorite so far has been social psychology because I think that there is a lot to be learned about those around us. However, my most challenging class was anatomy. I learned so much about the human body and how phenomenal it is that all of these parts work together to create and function us as human beings. As interesting as it was, it was an extremely difficult course. I was pushed to the point of stress I didn't even know I had. I am a better student because of anatomy but in the moment I was overly stressed. All of these courses are helping me towards my goal. I want to be an occupational therapist. I have not decided what age range I think suits me best, but I know I want to better the special needs community. That is another big reason I chose psychology as my undergraduate studies. Helping people has always been my life goal. I have such a heart for those around me. Especially the communities that require more than most. Those with special needs are often taught growing up that they are different and that it is something that will hold them back from the other people their age. I want to be the person to help teach them life skills and how to function on their own so that they can live as normal of a life as any other person around them. 

     This is me spring of sophomore year. I am in the botanical garden of Oklahoma City, Oklahoma


  1. Hi Brynlee! Loved your post!! I love psychology too but too much of it gives me a headache lol. I took a class my senior year of high school which was like the basics of psychology and i loved it, but don't know if I could do it as my major/profession, so kutoos to you!

  2. Hi Brynlee! So exited about your interest in psychology! I think psychology is a fantastic subject, although my major is economics. I am a big fan of Criminal Minds, and I highly suggested you to see this TV show. Also, an occupational therapist is a really good job since it could service others and our community. Best wishes for you to achieve your goals!

  3. Hi Brynlee,

    I am so glad to hear how excited and dedicated you are to your major/minor! It is always good to love what you are studying and it's so inspiring to hear your story! I really admire your desire to work as an OT within the special needs community. It takes a special person to do that, so I am just so happy and excited for you!

    I look forward to getting to know you better this semester!


  4. Hi Brynlee! I love to hear how passionate you are in your goals, that will make you an excellent Ocupational Therapist! I too really love psychology and the way that it helps to better explain people and why they are they way they are. My favorite psychology class so far has been Intimate Relationships becuase it was so applicable and easy for me to see the connections to the relationships in my life.

  5. Hi Brynlee! I relate to you so much! I am also studying psychology and also pre OT! I am currently in the process of applying for OT school! Have you shadowed anywhere yet? Shadowing pediatric clinics has helped me in finding what age I want to work with when I (hopefully) become an OT! Anatomy was the most difficult class I have taken as well. I agree that it has taught me to be a better student and manage my time correctly. I ended up retaking the class and it was the best decision I made because I learned everything twice and was able to do much better the next time! I wish you the best of luck on your journey of becoming an OT. :)

  6. Psychology and HES sounds like a great combination, Brynlee! Doing occupational therapy is partly about medicine, anatomy, all the science... but it's also about communicating with people and motivating them, calming their fears, helping them feel confident. Hopefully this class can connect with that for you! There are lots of different ways people use storytelling in therapy settings, including occupational therapy. Stories about people facing their fears, overcoming obstacles, reaching their goals... it can all help in real life as people try to become the heroines and heroes of their own life-stories, and almost always with some important helpers along the way too: magic helpers in the fairy tales are like therapists in the real world... and we all need helpers, magical or otherwise! :-)

  7. Hey Brynlee!

    I LOVE knowing that you are pursuing OT! That was what I wanted to do initially coming into college, and it seriously is one of the most rewarding careers ever. If you haven't yet, I think it would be great for you to try and get some hands on experience in all different types of OT fields! There are a couple places here in Norman that are great, so you can start getting observation hours whenever. I hope you have a great year and keep pursuing your dreams!

  8. Hi, Brynlee! I think your choice of study and profession are amazing. It's always good to know that my peers are out there working to make a better world for current and future generations. Congratulations on making it through anatomy! My girlfriend is an HES major and I think 80% of our conversations last semester were about how hard and stressful anatomy was. So, great job making it through that class. I hope your remaining time at OU goes well and you achieve what you have set out to here!

  9. Hi Brynlee! I am also a psychology major! I loved social psychology, but I think my favorite was Abnormal Psychology. I have not taken anatomy, but I have heard how difficult the course is. I agree that many of the hardest classes are those that teach you the most in not just the subject but about yourself and how to study hard and smart. That is so cool that you are studying to be an occupational therapist! I hope you have a great semester! :)

  10. Hi Brynlee!

    I loved getting to read about your passions and what you really want to do. It's definitely inspiring. I feel like you have a great attitude and outlook on life and other things -- just great energy! I think psychology is a fascinating subject, as well as sociology, which was my first major. But I wasn't sure what I wanted to focus on within that subject. I'm glad you were able to and you will make a great OT one day. Best of luck on your journey!

  11. Hey Brynlee, it's always cool to see people so passionate about their majors, which I think is absolutely important if you, of course, plan on seeking it out in the future! That said, I definitely give you kudos for going into psychology because I don't think I could manage it. I took one psychology class and it was interesting, but the survey aspect of the course nearly took me out. For me, it's one of those things that I enjoy hearing about, but could never actually do. So, I wish you luck in your future and hope you have fun with where you end up!

  12. Hi Brynlee, I took Developmental Psychology last summer and I thought it was so cool learning how our personalities develop as babies and all the different factors that can influence it at such a young age. I think Psychology is very interesting but I don't think it's a great fit for me, I'm an HES/pre-PA major. I absolutely love human anatomy, I had Jess and he was the absolute best teacher. Taking that class definitely reassured me that I was in the correct field, even though it was challenging!

  13. Hi Brynlee! I loved reading your post - I always like hearing what makes people passionate. It's clear that you have a real calling to this type of work and I'm sure you will have a great impact in your field. I've never taken any psych courses but one of my good friends also wants to be an OT and so I know a little bit about that career - it is so important and also seems very rewarding! I hope you are enjoying this course so far!

  14. Hey Brynlee - I have some friends who also want to be OTs, and I think it is such a cool profession where you can definitely help others. It is also cool that while anatomy is so difficult, you enjoyed it and learned about yourself and how to study. I feel that with Organic Chemistry Lab right now ... but good luck with your future goals!

  15. Hey there Brynlee,
    I hope you are doing well and are not as stressed as the semester you took anatomy. I am an HES major and looking into minoring in psychology, so crazy coincidence. I am a pre-OT student as well and totally relate to you in your desire to work with the special needs community. I worked for an organization for a few years that maybe of interest to you called, Camp Barnabas or the Barnabas Foundation. Through that I was able to kind of identify that I wanted to go into peds as well as the disability community! Hope you are doing well and cannot wait to read more from you.

  16. Hi Brynlee,
    It was super nice to read through your post and get to know you better. I am an HES minor so I have some sense of what you are going through. Some of the classes are crazy hard, but you got this. I think it is super cool that you have a passion with working in your community with those who need extra help. I look forward to reading through some of your stories this semester. Wish you all the best during some of these crazy times.

  17. Hi Brynlee!
    I enjoyed reading your introduction post!
    I think it's really cool you're studying psychology, my minor was originally psychology due to my interest in the subject!
    Also, I wanted to say that I really like your site! It's super pretty!
    The Oklahoma City botanical garden is a really cool place, did you have a favorite part of it?

  18. Hey Brynlee! I think its awesome you are interested in going into occupational therapy. Is there any reason you chose that over physical therapy? That's amazing that you want to work with children that have special needs. I had the privilege of doing the same for a summer job and it was very rewarding. It was great getting to know you a bit, good luck with everything in the future!

  19. Hi Brynlee!
    Oh my goodness you are such an amazing person! I love how much you care for others and want to base your career on that. I could just tell how genuine were in this short introduction about having compassion for others. Your drive to do good is so inspiring! Thank you for telling us a little bit about you!

  20. Hey Brynlee! It's super cool that you want to be an occupational therapist! It's also great that you love your major so much! Psychology is definitely an interesting field and learning about people will definitely help as you become an OT. I'm not sure about the process of becoming an OT, but you definitely seem like you'll enjoy it and working with the special needs community would be amazing, I'm sure that you'll succeed!

  21. Hi Brynlee! Psychology would be a really cool major. I find it fascinating as well--how our minds works and why we behave the way we do. You're definitely right--it is easy for people to forget that there are a lot of people who can probably relate to them. That is amazing that you want to be an occupational therapist. I find it inspiring to know that people like you are out here trying to help a cause that they are extremely passionate about! I hope you have a great semester!

  22. Hi Brynlee! Learning about your interests is so cool! My brother is getting his PhD here at OU in social psychology (focusing on honor culture and criminal justice reform) and my sister is in PT school! It's so neat to see how you're combining your interests in a way that will help you help other people, and I love the passion that you clearly have for serving others. Good luck with it all!!

  23. Hi Brynlee! I loved reading your post, especially when you started talking about your life goals and how you have always wanted to help people somehow. I think we are very similar people! I am studying Health and Exercise Science as my major and Psychology as my minor while tryign to become a Physical Therapist! I have also found the same calling to help others however I can; therefore, I realized that the best way to do this would be to make sure people are not in physical pain (since this happens to everyone eventually). Overall, I really liked reading your post and getting to know you a bit more!

  24. Hi Brynlee, I couldn't agree with you more about how hard Anatomy is. I definitely underestimated how difficult it would be. When I thought of Anatomy I thought of learning the human bones in middle school and how easy I was able to memorize all of them. But oh I was wrong... it is so much more than that. I love it though. And I also am a better student because of it!

  25. Hey Brynlee!

    I think your future career is so admirable! You'll be a real asset to people as an occupational therapist with a background in psychology. As for anatomy, I didn't personally take it, but I've heard nightmares from lots of friends about how hard it was. You made it through though, and now you know you can handle incredibly difficult things! Good luck with everything!

  26. Hey Brynlee! I loved getting to know you a little bit, even if it is so late in the semester! I too was a psychology major for a time (I switched to Social Work) because people are fascinating! I loved hearing about your passions and perseverance. I hope you've had a fantastic semester and that you have a very happy holiday season!


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