Beth Gellert by Joseph Jacobs
The Prince had a beloved dog. He was a ferocious hunter but a kind cuddly soul. Whenever they went out he would be the fastest and most deadly, but when they returned he would treat those of the family with such care and kindness. One day, the Prince was going on a hunt. He called for all of the animals but never saw his beloved. He stormed in the castle after about five minutes of waiting. As he was going he ran into his beloved dog. The dog had blood dripping from his mouth. The Prince went immediately to the worst conclusion. He had a baby and this dog had killed it. He sprinted to the nursery and found it in disarray. There was blood everywhere and no sound anywhere. The baby did not respond to his calls. Out of anger he turned and killed the beloved dog. He could not believe that he would do something to his child. However, as the dog lay dead, the baby began to coo. He ran to gather his baby. As soon as he turned the corner, he saw a giant wolf slain in front of his baby who sat unharmed. He knew that he had killed the out of spite and anger. There was no justice for his beloved.
This is a drawing done in honor of the storybook tale. Source: Wikipedia
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