Labors of Yamato: The Dragon
Yamato had just returned from retrieving the sacred sword. He was overwhelmed with feelings from the quest, but the strongest were those for his one true love. Her love and loyalty had gotten him through the worst of it. But, before he could go see her, he had to make a stop. There was a sorceress that had been against him the whole time. He had to go and punish her for treachery and treason against the throne. As he was crossing the river to get to her, a siren called to him. This siren was intriguing for just enough time to pull him in. She sank to the bottom of the river and he felt a cold embrace of a serpent. He was struggling and fighting. But, once again, his love came through. He heard his lady's voice call unto him. He pulled on it and she came into his vision and grasped him. There, she pulled him up. But, when he got onto solid ground, she was no where to be found. This was worrisome. As he went into town, he noticed everything was in disarray. The town was in a panic. He grabbed the attention of the nearest town fleer to discover what was going on. A dragon. He hoped and prayed harder than he ever had in hopes that it had not reached the castle. That it had not reached his beloved. He ran to her. There were bodies scattered all throughout the castle. He found her face to face with the dragon. His eyes as dark as coal switched over to Yamoto. Then, he charged.

This is a depiction of the dragon of the sea. Source: Flickr
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